Saturday, March 23, 2019

Eating Disorders :: essays research papers

There are more different types of alimentation trouble oneselfs in our world today and many suffer from them. Young women, and the earth is unknown, are the main targets (Holt, Rinehart, and Winston, 147). I believe young women are more than apt because of the ideal media, newspapers, magazines, etc. Thats how they feel they need to live up to, and also they are more emotional and are in that period of life where things like this matter a lot. There are twain really common eating disorders, anorexia and bulimia. Anorexia nervosa is an eating disorder that is characterized by a soul with a body weight less than 85% of what is considered modal(prenominal) weight. Anorexics have a fear of being fill in (Sonder, ). Anorexics limit their forage intake, which is the same thing as starvation. A person who is anorexic continues to nutriment even when they are bone thin. They are never satisfied with their appearance. They occupy in excessive exercising and long depressions, the se are just around of the danger signals that anorexics show. This self-starving behavior can lead to sever emancipation or even death. Anorexics see normal fat (folds of flesh) on the body as fat that needs to be eliminated. They often find sleeping and resting a discomfort because they have lost their normal body fat. Victims of this serious disorder tend to further from family and friends. They want to be isolated. There are many dangers from starving yourself. The body tends to slow down or even exclude certain body processes, your blood pressure may fall, breathing govern may drop, and menstruation also stops. They thyroid gland disappears, and this is the gland that regulates your growth. Your nails and pilus become brittle, you skin is dry, and you suffer form light headiness, constipation, and swelling of the joints. When fat is reduced, the body temperature begins to fall, and soft hair forms on the body for warmth. Your body chemicals may also be so imbalanced, heart failure may occur. nation who suffer from bulimia nervosa also want to be thin, but they do it in a different fashion called binging and purging (Sonder, ). Binging is when a person will eat a bunch of food, exceeding normal calorie intake. Purging is the way they get rid of it. This way you are soothe able to eat and then still be thin, but this is very dangerous and can often be deadly.

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